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Killer2OP's github profile

Quickly and easily access a thrilling dungeon-crawling experience at any time.

QR Code Generator

Shiva-Sai-ssb's github profile

Simple app to generate and download a QR code that can be used to share a link.

Swapnoneel's Portfolio

Swpn0neel's github profile

A professional portfolio of Swapnoneel Saha, with his Achievements, Educational Journey and Contact Support to reach out to him.


ManishBisht777's github profile

A web app with nextjs 13 to provide crisp content on various topics and resources as well to learn them in depth.

Expense Tracker

Bilal1204's github profile

Track you daily transactions in 3 categories namely Savings, Expenses, Investment

Simon Game

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

Memory matching game. Fully responsive React project.


sabhisharma-ise's github profile

A javascript-based Quiz for fun

Airbnb Clone

Prajwal0225's github profile

Airbnb clone with add accommodation and booking system

YouTube Clone

iqrasarwar's github profile

Youtube Clone in C# that includes video player, video uploader and search option just like YouTube.

Audio Book

whiteknight16's github profile

Give a pdf and the bot can read it out for you